The developer community launched Free TON without Telegram

The TON (Telegram Open Network) platform , created by Pavel Durov, is a multifunctional darknet based on distributed technologies that provides many opportunities for users: from storing files to making payments. The main feature is multi-level protection against censorship and interference by government authorities. At the same time, attention is paid to minimizing illegal transactions on the network using Telegram Passport (since July 2018). The user himself decides whether to show his personal data to someone.

GRAM (GRAM) is a cryptocurrency used within the TON ecosystem.

Latest news (updated 08/28/2019): closed testing of the Telegram Open Network began in April 2020. A full launch is planned before the end of October 2020. According to project investors, if GRAM tokens are not received by October 31, Telegram will return all invested money back.

Features of the TON blockchain:


Emission5 billion GRAM
NetTON Blockchain
StatusWorking in test mode
ExchangesXena Exchange (derivatives trading)
Official walletTelegram Wallet
Blockchain Explorer
White Paper
ConsensusProof of Stake (PoS)

Components of the TON platform

TON is a project that supports several blockchains at once. Therefore, they require complex network protocols such as peer-to-peer networking to manage and provide adequate flexibility. In addition to the core, TON Blockchain has released or plans to release the following useful components:

  • TON Storage. A technology for decentralized storage of any files, reminiscent of a torrent. Access to files is provided using smart contracts. This method is also suitable for large volumes of information, such as in Telegram or YouTube.
  • TON Proxy. An anonymizer that hides IP addresses and identifiers on the network. Can be used to form entire decentralized VPN services, for example, an alternative to the Tor browser. Effectively protects any application, including Telegram, from censorship.
  • TON Services. A platform for supporting any third-party services - decentralized software solutions, smart contracts, website browsing.
  • TON DNS. A special service that makes working with smart contracts, user accounts, and intranet nodes similar to working with websites on the Internet. The basis is to assign human-readable names to all elements.
  • TON Payments. Service for conducting microtransactions. Can be used to transfer values ​​between users, services, bots. Transfers occur outside the chain, but the degree of security is no less than on the chain.

All of the above items can be combined with third-party applications or social networks to share data. As a result, there is a unification of the decentralized and centralized spheres.

Integration of GRAM cryptocurrency into the Telegram ecosystem

The existing Telegram ecosystem will allow you to purchase tokens and spend them on a number of services, which will ensure the value of the GRAM cryptocurrency. The innovation affects the following functions:


About 60 million Telegram users regularly work with bots - these programs can already process payments from cards in two hundred countries around the world. In the future, by combining credit card bot technology and verified account IDs, it will be possible to buy and exchange GRAM cryptocurrency in the easiest and most legal way. This will lead to the creation of a competitive market.

Channels and groups

The system has already created millions of group chats and public pages, and the number of participants in some of them also reaches millions. As a result, up to 50 billion views of content units are generated monthly. Of course, owners are trying to monetize them, but there is a clear need to create secure tools to confirm transactions with advertisers.

Therefore, an “advertising exchange” will be launched on the basis of TON, where parties who want to promote their products can find channels that suit them and, within the framework of an automatic system, set a price that will suit everyone. Next, based on clicks or views, payment will be transferred in GRAM tokens.

Physical or digital goods

Groups, channels and bots are actually a full-fledged market that makes it possible to sell content or things. By paying for services or making donations, users support and stimulate content creators. With the help of bots, you can organize the automatic acceptance of payment for an order and the formation of delivery.

Possibility of using decentralized services

Telegram will offer a catalog of distributed services, compiling a list of the most popular applications. A recommendation system is also planned, which will be formed based on user behavioral factors. The output will be something like the AppStore or Google Play, but completely decentralized.

Reviews about Telegram Open Network (TON)

While Durov has not made any comments about whether he is actually working on the Telegram Open Network, debate continues to flare up online about the existence of this secret project. Reviews about TON for the most part predict a fantastic future for the development, but there are also those who are less optimistic about such a blockchain product.

There are versions that the hype around TON is being inflated by interested parties who are making good money from it, and this whole story is nothing more than a hoax. In particular, experts explain this position by having great doubts that the documents leaked online with superficial descriptions of the blockchain were actually created by Telegram developers.

The only strange thing is the stubborn silence of Durov, who, logically, should have appealed if the name of his brainchild is shamelessly used by scammers. But given that Pavel Durov is a rather eccentric person, it cannot be said that he does not receive his share of hype from numerous rumors.

While there is no official confirmation, it is impossible to say anything unambiguous about the TON project. If such a development really comes to fruition, it will become a big event in the world of technology and certainly will not fade away like thousands of ICOs that appeared out of nowhere and went nowhere.

In any case, I advise you not to let your guard down and not try to buy tokens of the Gram project before the launch of the network and their release to popular exchanges.

Added 05/12/20. Pavel Durov announced the closure of TON. The reason was the ban on the distribution of Gram tokens by an American court.

Denis HyipHunter Knyazev

Blog creator. Private investor. He has been making money in highly profitable investment projects and cryptocurrencies since 2014. Consults partners. Join the blog's Telegram channel and our chat.

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Functionality of GRAM tokens

Let's consider how it is planned to provide the value of the GRAM cryptocurrency. In addition to the fact that they can be used to pay for digital and physical assets, coins will serve as:

  • Validator bets, which make it possible to verify transactions and form blocks from them into the blockchain.
  • Commissions (similar to the “gas” of Ether).
  • Payments for validator services.
  • Means of ensuring voting rights in the system.
  • Payments for registering domain names on TON DNS.
  • Reward for storing information in the TON Storage system.
  • Payments for using paid applications in TON Services.
  • Reward for hiding personal information and IP address through TON Proxy.

Services in the TON network can be either paid or free - this is determined directly by the owner of the application.

GRAMM cryptocurrency distribution:

Advantages and disadvantages of Telegram Open Network

Telegram Open Network has every chance to become the largest project in the field of blockchain technologies. In essence, this will be a new Internet with a lot of opportunities, anonymity and total protection. Durov’s reputation as the creator of successful projects and the enormous popularity of the Telegram messenger predict a great future for TON.

What kind of horizons such a grandiose project opens up and what advantages it provides can be described for hours, but there is a huge minus in this seemingly rosy story. In fact, there is not a single 100% confirmation that the Telegram Open Network really exists and that Pavel Durov is related to it.

This news feed is so filled with rumors and unverified information, which is published even by reputable publications, that it is very difficult to identify any reliable facts.

But even if you believe the information presented, it indicates that at the moment the Telegram Open Network is not ready and it is not known for certain what stage of development the project is at. According to experts, such secrecy is not accidental, since Durov is trying not only to attract the interest of users, but also to circumvent the claims of regulators.

The Telegram team and Durov himself do not make any statements, and the public takes their silence as agreement with the rumors that have filled the network.

From more or less reliable sources you can find out that Durov allegedly raised funds through a closed ICO, a test portal for the project was opened, and also that the first few hundred working nodes can already be seen in the TON browser.

Well, the latest news of 2020 was a real blow for many fans of the project - the US Securities Commission vetoed the release of Gram.

Pavel Durov was surprised by this SEC decision, but judging by his obvious dislike for regulators, the decision will not in any way affect the developer’s desire to launch the Telegram Open Network. There is information that due to SEC requirements, the launch of the project is postponed to April 30, 2020 and users have no choice but to wait for this date.

Latest news about the project

After the publication of the White Paper in 2020, no information about the network development process appeared for a long time. But in May 2019, a link with development materials for the TON test network client was posted on one of the unofficial channels. There is no official confirmation that these are indeed materials from the Telegram team, but the volume, quality and details of the source materials give reason to consider them plausible. Of course, launching a client is at your own risk.

In the same documents you can find information about the new language for smart contracts Fift, very similar to the Forth language. Its description is very voluminous, taking up 87 pages of a pdf file, so we will give only the main features:

  • Simple syntax consisting of words separated by spaces or newlines.
  • A word is a case-sensitive sequence of characters to which a definition (that is, an instruction to the interpreter) corresponds.
  • If a word does not have a definition, then the interpreter makes an attempt to put it on the stack by parsing it in a numerical firmware.
  • The language only uses 257-bit integers.

The internal structure of the language is now complete and it is not yet known whether it will actually be implemented. Many programmers find these developments inconvenient and impractical, others remind us that this is only an intermediate option that will still be developed to perfection.

At the same time, in May, information appeared that the launch of the platform was scheduled for the third quarter of 2020 - approximately October 21. The investors of the project were promised that if the launch of the Telegram Open Network did not take place, then all the money would be returned to them. This was reported by the famous crypto portal The Block.

Review of TON by Durov. Where is the truth and where is the deception?

If you thought that TON is the brainchild of Durov, who is a world-famous revolutionary in the virtual earnings segment, then you were mistaken. Today we are analyzing the features of the TON scam, which has already managed to deceive many people. The scammers who created TON took advantage of the Telegram blocking story; they did everything to play with the facts to their advantage and lure gullible clients into TON.

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Why TON is a scam

Let's start by gradually understanding the legend of the TON project. Roskomnadzor appears here, as well as data that all attempts to block the work of Telegram are related to Durov’s decision to share unique opportunities for earning money. Allegedly, Pavel Durov invented an algorithm that will immediately allow you to get rich. That is why the evil guys from the supervision are trying in every possible way to prevent him. The ruling elite is not ready for such a powerful and reliable tool to become publicly available, otherwise real chaos will begin. In general, after reading this, I immediately lost the desire to cooperate with TON, but let’s gradually figure it out.

How do you like the blockbuster? Is the plot worthy of a film adaptation? The end of the story is very positive, the evil overseers are defeated, and Durov showed the world TON! An incredible algorithm that will help you get rich significantly. The algorithm was based on secret schemes and data from hedge funds and leading banks. It sounds very strange, but we promised you to understand this honestly, so let’s get started:

Let's start with the fact that there are no methods to ensure automatic earnings. This simply does not exist. Never in your life will money simply appear automatically; you will have to do something in order to earn it. Hedge funds have existed for about 5 years, how can we talk about some kind of break-even algorithm that has been tested by time? Of course, TON is an ordinary scam;

The scammers claim that Durov was in conflict with the authorities precisely because of information about TON. Of course, this is a hoax, who would want to touch such a smart and strong person because of a non-existent algorithm? The conflict there arose on completely different grounds. The FSB wanted to gain access to the information that Durov possesses. Telegram is a popular messenger, so something interesting and relevant appears there regularly. There is no new way to earn money - Pavel simply refused to transfer materials about his clients to the FSB;

Durov is indeed developing his own blockchain project, called TON. But it has nothing to do with trading. TON, which Pavel Durov is creating, will not be an automatic assistant in making money - Durov plans to create a decentralized network for the secure exchange of information.

After looking at such entertaining information, you can immediately understand that this TON has nothing to do with Durov’s work. An ordinary cunning scheme that allows you to manipulate gullible investors by promising them mountains of gold, this is all over the Internet today.

How to breed in TON

To begin with, they will show you a very beautiful video, they tell you that a revolutionary way to make money can be tested! If you believe the creators of TON, then initially you can verify for free that TON really works! But immediately after the client registers on the TON exchange, he understands that there is nothing free here in general.

The next video introduces us to the revolutionary Vladimir Shuvalov - it was this man who helped Pavel Durov rebuff the authorities and protect the secrets of TON. He says that absolutely everyone can earn money with TON - just $250 as an initial deposit is enough to verify the power of the TON algorithm.

If you are ready to top up your account, then you need to do this through a TON partner broker. Having looked through the list of available brokers, we immediately realized that TON is definitely a scam. Among the “partners” of this project are black brokers with an incredibly long criminal history and negative reviews.

If you are ready to continue, get ready, now the fun begins. To begin with, the $250 deposit will be lost by several losing trades. Now expect multiple calls from broker representatives - they are ready to help you win back, you just need to top up again. But if you really want to recoup losses and make money, then you will have to invest more seriously. For example, you will be offered to trust TON with $1000 - no risk, the previous misfire was accidental, now the TON algorithm will definitely not let you down!

“Experienced analysts” of TON will do everything possible to lure money out of a person. If you don’t have money, then take advantage of their loan offer! In general, the creators of TON are not afraid of anything and are not going to retreat - their goal is maximum profit from each victim.


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If you are interested in the history of the creation of the real TON blockchain project, then you understand that now you are definitely being deceived. There is no automatic earnings from Durov! The TON project from Durov is a real scam.

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